Mulan Rise of a Warrior พากย์ไทย

Mulan Rise of a Warrior พากย์ไทย

Mulan rise of a warrior พากย์ไทย ในปีคริสตศักราช 450 ราชวงศ์จีนอยู่ภายใต้การคุกคามจากชนเผ่ารูรานอย่างต่อเนื่อง กองทัพจีนดำเนินการสมัครทหารทั่วประเทศ ทหารเกษียณอายุฮัวหูยืนกรานที่จะสมัครรับราชการอีกครั้งเพื่อรับใช้ประเทศของเขา มู่หลานลูกสาวคนเล็กของเขา ฉลาดและมีทักษะในศิลปะการต่อสู้หลายแขนง
mulan rise of a warrior พากย์ไทย



In 450 A.D., the ruling Chinese dynasty is under constant threat from the Rouran tribes. The Chinese army conducts a nationwide draft. A retired soldier named Hua Hu insists on enlisting again to serve his country. Mulan (Zhao Wei), his young daughter, is quite intelligent and skilled in various martial arts. But because she is a woman, she cannot enlist. Mulan tricks her father, steals his armor and weapon, disguises herself as a boy and enters the Wei army in her father’s place.

Through the harsh military training, Mulan proves to be quite courageous, quick-thinking, and unstoppable, always helping others fend off the army bullies. She gains the attention of Wentai (Chen Kun), the battalion’s Sub Commander. They soon befriend and develop a mutual fondness and liking for one another.

One night, when Wentai is taking a bath in a hot spring, he accidentally runs into Mulan. After a brief skirmish, Mulan escapes without exposing her identity. However, Wentai becomes determined to uncover the woman hiding among the troops. To make things worse, the army bully loses a jade pendant and a strip-search is ordered. Terrified to reveal herself as a woman and tarnish her father’s reputation, Mulan admits that she committed the theft.

In prison, she tells Wentai the truth and he promises to keep her secret until the very end. When the Rourans launch a surprise attack, Wentai releases Mulan from jail, but Mulan stays back to fight. Her life is spared and she is also promoted to be a female sub-commander. Unhappy that the Rouran tribes have not joined forces to create a powerful army to fight against the Wei forces, the greedy Prince Mudan murders his own
